Dear User,

In relation to the processing of your personal data carried out by means of the website (the “Website”), we inform you as follows.

Personal data will be processed by DUCO SRL Socio Unico., in its capacity as data controller (hereinafter the “Controller”) in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR. The processing activities may take place both in paper form and with information technology and electronic tools. The data will be accessible only by persons authorized to process it, adequately informed about their duties and the activities permitted to them with the data collected.


In the course of your browsing experience on the Website, the Controller may process personal data belonging to the following categories:

  1. navigation data (i.e., IP address, type of the browser, URL (Uniform Resource Identifier), hardware settings, time of the request, date and time, and further parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment, etc.) collected by the Controller for the sole purposes of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website, as well as to verify its correct functioning. This processing activity shall be carried out based on the legitimate interest of the Controller, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, let. f) of the GDPR;
  2. identification and contact data (i.e., name, surname and e-mail address), that you may provide to the Controller through the use of the “Contact” section on the Website, in order to allow the Controller to fulfill your requests for information. This processing activity shall be carried out in order to fulfill pre-contractual obligations with you and to abide by legal and regulatory obligations on the Controller, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, let. b) and c) of the GDPR.

In addition to the above, by means of the Website, the Controller may process other personal data also to allow the promotion of the Controller’s business. In particular, the Controller may process your image, to be published on the Website. The processing of your image shall take place based on your prior consent, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, let. a) of the GDPR, either if you are part of the DUCO’s team or if you are a qualified professional (e.g., hotelier, etc.) hosted at DUCO’s events. Please consider that other processing activities of personal data relating to participants at DUCO’s events may be carried out by the Controller independently from the Website (including, but not limited to, processing activities for registration purposes to DUCO’s events). Such processing activities shall be carried out in order to fulfill contractual obligations with the participants and to abide by legal and regulatory obligations on the Controller, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, let. b) and c) of the GDPR.

Lastly, please consider that the Website uses tracking tools such as cookies, including technical and/or profiling cookies.


The processing of your personal data, in compliance with the applicable laws in the field of personal data protection, as well as with the obligations of confidentiality, lawfulness, fairness and transparency, is carried out exclusively for the described purposes, such as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. Recipients of your personal data may be third-party suppliers that the Controller uses for the organization, planning and provision of communication services and event organization. Such recipients of your personal data may also be private and/or public administrative bodies and jurisdictional bodies, where necessary under the applicable laws/regulations. The Controller ensures that the abovementioned categories of recipients, to whom your personal data might be communicated, will act as “data processors” and/or autonomous “data controllers” in compliance with the GDPR provisions. Personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area.


Except for: (i) the processing of “navigation data” which is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the Website; and (ii) the processing of personal data which requires your prior consent, your failure to provide personal data may only determine the impossibility for the Controller to fulfill your requests transmitted through the Website.


Your personal data will be retained for a period not exceeding the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes of the processing. More specifically, the Controller informs you that:

  1. Navigation data are generally deleted immediately after the processing. The Controller may retain such data for longer periods, where necessary to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Website;
  2. Common data that you voluntarily provide to the Controller are generally deleted 6 months after the fulfillment of your requests sent to the Controller through the Website;
  3. Personal data collected by the Controller on the basis of your explicit consent are retained as long as your consent is not withdrawn.


In relation to the processing of your personal data, we inform you that, as a data subject, you have the right:

  • To access your personal data;
  • To obtain rectification of your personal data or deletion or limitation of their processing;
  • To oppose the processing of your personal data;
  • To the portability of your personal data, i.e., to receive your personal data in structured, commonly used and readable format by an automatic device;
  • To lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority;
  • To withdraw, at any time, your consent, without prejudice to the processing activities carried out prior to such withdrawal.

To exercise the rights listed above, you can submit a written request to the Controller, by using the following e-mail address: [email protected]


The data controller is DUCO SRL Socio Unico with headquarters in Via Leone XIII n. 14, in Milano, Italy, share capital of € 10.000,00 fully paid, registration number in the Milano Register of Companies and tax identification number 06671980487.

Email PEC (Certified Electronic E-mail): [email protected]

Milano, Italy, 2024